About Stamp With Kristie

If you are anything like I am, you want to create but sometimes don't feel creative!

I have been teaching card classes since 2016. These classes have been in person, online, and sometimes both! My customer’s faces light up when they see that they can do what I do!

By taking my classes or using the tutorials I create, my ladies learn techniques they can use at home and create even more cards!

You can find inspiration on My Stamping Blog, my Facebook page, and on my Pinterest page!

Who is your crafting inspiration?

Look back and remember, who was your first crafting/art teacher?

My mom has been that person to me for decades. She has taught me many different crafts over the years.

Now I teach my mom and several ladies the art of Paper Crafting and even though some of them have been stamping for a while, they are still learning new techniques from me!

All of these ladies have been my inspiration to create or learn new techniqes to teach them. 

Increase your creativity by surounding yourself with other women and get the support you need!

Two weeks after joining Stampin’ Up! in 2016, just for the discount, I was teaching a class! I needed to be with likeminded women and have some fun.

Many women have come together to be an amazing support system for each other either with crafting or just lending an ear. These Fabulous Ladies have become more than customers, they are my friends.

Stamping and teaching has given me my purpose. Do you want to join us? Click here to Join My Team and get a great discount on these fabulous products!

Not ready to join, but would love the following fabulousness?

–Up to a weekly papercrafting tip

–Up to 2 card sketches a month and sample card ideas

–Information about Stampin’ Up!– sales, promotions, products, and updates

–Information on my papercrafting classes

Sign up for my newsletter here or scroll down!

Family and More Blessings

My team is always there to support each other through everything. They are a loving bunch of ladies and I am lucky to have them in my life. We have a team FB page where I keep them up to date with the goings on in our stamping world.

My mom and dad have always supported me in everything I have ever done. They are my biggest fans and along with my hubby and son, are my amazing support structure. My dad supplies my hubby with all the wood for my projects whether it be making my desks, shelves, or my card displays for my craft fairs!

Stamping blessings to you,


I’m Kristie Gonzales.

I teach the fun of stamping while creating lasting friendships with other fabulous crafters!